
Actualmente 9 em 10 desastres naturais registados estão relacionados com o clima. Aumento de temperatura, cheias, secas e tempestades afectam milhões de pessoas. Portugal, este paraíso que parecia estar protegido destas desgraças, já começa a sentir as mudanças. Precisamos de agir . Recuperemos este planeta azul para que continue a ter verde e vida!

Participa na ENO Climate Change Campaign 2010 na nossa escola!


sexta-feira, 15 de janeiro de 2010


Hi, I am Frank The Frog. I was asked to participate in the ENO Programme. It's my pleasure!
I am concerned about the climate change and the future of our planet. Climate change is a global problem, and yet each one of us has the power to make a difference. Even small changes in our daily behaviour can help prevent greenhouse emissions without affecting our quality of life. In fact, they can save us money.
We need your pledges. Make your own pledge and invite your friends to put their pledges in my Web Bank. All the pledges submitted will be saved in our Frank's Web Bank. We have invited decision makers and celebrities to join this activity.
See who else have made their pledges according their country or pledge. After your pledge please download this certificate of excellence. And listen to my song!

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